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Tax cut calculator

Tax cuts are here for every Australian taxpayer.
You can estimate your tax cut with the calculator*.

For most taxpayers, your tax cut will be reflected in your take-home pay, each payday.
Some taxpayers will receive their tax cut when a tax return is lodged and processed after the end of the 2024–25 financial year.

Estimate your tax cut

Note: Individuals with a taxable income below $22,575 will not pay income tax, due to the $18,200 tax-free threshold and the low income tax offset.


2023–24 settings

Annual reduction in tax   andEstimated annual tax liability

Under new tax cuts

Annual reduction in tax   andEstimated annual tax liability


  • This tool provides stylised representations based on the taxable income of an individual. The total amount calculated is your annual tax cut.
  • Depending on your individual circumstances your tax cut may not be received as a lump sum. For most taxpayers it will be reflected incrementally each payday.
  • The estimates in this tool are based on comparing 2023‑24 tax rates and thresholds with 2024‑25 tax rates and thresholds.
  • The reduction in tax liability is calculated by only taking into account the basic tax scales, low-income tax offset (as applicable), and the Medicare levy for the respective income year.
  • This tool is for illustrative purposes only.
  • It does not consider individual circumstances which may result in an actual tax outcome that is different to what is presented above.
  • The tool is not intended to provide taxation or financial advice and should not be relied on as an accurate assessment of your individual tax affairs.
  • Taxpayers should seek independent, expert advice on their taxation and financial affairs (as appropriate).